The most recent staff.  Look & laugh.

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The Cast of the Doubleday Days Doubleday Days Links & Stuff


  • Tracey -- Finally a store manager. Ruled with a mercinary hand (i.e., tried desperately to keep staff in order, realizing soon that it was impossible to do.) Slept on a lounge chair in the back room. Got drunk after work a lot. The subject of a birthday poem by Kevin and A.J.

  • Louella -- Annoying assistant manager everyone hated. Smoked a lot. Had two children she didn't much care for. Attempted a lot of sexual innuendo that just came out crass and unfunny. Pretended to read lots of books. Further pretended to know what the word "satirical" meant.

  • Hubert -- Tracey's Mistake #2. Very fun guy for a long time, until we discovered he was just a pack of lies wrapped in human skin. Still, he had much humor value. Such as putting Sarah Michelle Gellar as his beneficiary for life insurance.

  • Sally -- the dryest sense of humor on the planet. Has a scary affection for John Wayne and Frank Sinatra. Reads old Russian novels and actually likes them. Is not a militant Christian. Loves Nomar Garciaparra, of the Boston Red Sox. Co-founder of The Doubleday Haikus.

  • A.J. -- art-boy. Paints pictures of odd looking women. Wrote a bizarre novel about bastards in his spare time. Has a key-chain with a grain of rice that reads "crack-whore." Co-wrote the Tracey song. Afraid of winged monkeys.

  • Kevin -- writer-boy. Co-founder of The Doubleday Haikus. Introduced Barenaked Ladies to everyone else on the staff, a major coup. Enjoyed Yoo-Hoo and hot dogs from Store 24 every afternoon. Has a scary infatuation with Jeremy Piven. Begins most sentences with "SAY!"

  • Joe -- Get in the box, Joe.


  • Doubleday Haikus & More! -- in which you can read our wacky bookstore poetry. We amuse ourselves.

  • Spontaneous Insanity -- looney exploits of our insane staff. Oh, the amusement.